Saturday, July 23, 2005

5 Things That Really Piss Me Off-A Pictorial

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There are people or things that just hearing about, reading about or looking at piss me off and make me want to blog venom. Here's the list in no particular order and in pictures:

Katrina van den Heuvel, Editor of the The Nation and expert (twelfth item) on her local congressional representative and resident of Harlem. Picture via Beautiful Atrocities.

Drew Rosenhaus, super agent and all-around a-hole. Probably the worst thing that's happened to sports with the exception of the Columbus Blue Jackets and steroids.

Ted Rall, "artist" and "writer". Famous for making fun of 9/11 widows with this filth:

Next, on this dubious list is slow drivers in the fast lane. Fast in the fast lane does not mean the speed limit. If someone is riding your ass and you're in the far left lane, get the hell out of their way. It's probably me and I'm wishing at that point I had a custom made RPG rigged up to my front bumper. Also, if you have to take a phone call, don't slow down to friggin' 30 MPH. Lastly, if you are ten car lengths behind someone and they put their brakes on, don't put your on, just remove your right foot from the gas. This is a public service message that just may save your sorry life some day.

Paul Krugman, partisan hack for the NY Times. The dude writes and looks like an absolute weasel. Would you trust this former Enron advisor with your money?

More to come later.

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