Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A Waste of Government Resources

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The question of whether or not burning an American flag should be illegal has arisen again. I have pretty strong feelings on this issue that you may not agree with.

As a veteran who served under that flag, I find the idea of burning the flag appalling. That said, that is exactly the reason I joined the great US Navy, to protect your or anyone elses right to burn the flag. Near everyone who served feels as I do I'd imagine.

That's not to say if I saw some idiot taking a Bic to Old Glory I'd stand idly by, but the right to burn the symbol of the greatest country to ever exist is exactly why it's the greatest country.

If some yahoo wants to commit arson on the stars and stripes, that is classless and clueless but most definitely not illegal.

1 comment:

Dave Justus said...

I agree with you fully.