Thursday, June 23, 2005

Rumsfeld Gets Grilled

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Donald Rumsfeld doesn't suffer fools gladly and I imagine is a pretty cranky guy by nature. He must have been a real ray of sunshine this morning at breakfast knowing he'd have to deal with the group of idiots known as the Senate today.

Jeff Goldstein has a great post about the king idiot himself, Teddy Kennedy. I can't recall ever cutting and pasting another bloggers entire post, but Jeff's comments had me thinking "I wish I'd thought of that":

Dissent being the height of patriotism, Ted Kennedy (D-MASS) today confronted Donald Rumsfeld with what he insisted was the undeniable fact of an intractable Iraqi QUAGMIRE and called for the Secretary of Defense to resign—thus reserving his place in the pantheon of Great American Patriots Who Love This Country So Damn Much That They Strengthen It By Forcing Us to Beat Back A Propaganda Attack That They Themselves Have Spearheaded With Knowingly Hyberbolic Rhetoric (Rhetoric That Is Then Thrown Back At Us By The Enemy And By A Hostile Press) As A Way To Really Really Test Our Resolve.

Meanwhile, in a secret bunker complex on the outskirts of Baghdad, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi enjoys a bowl of figs and a handwrapped Cuban cigar and waits patiently for Ted Kennedy and his fellow travellers in Congress and the media to prevail—and for America to lose her will to stay the course…

Kennedy pisses me off so much that I am going to break a self-imposed rule to not curse (too badly) on this site. Senator Kennedy, kindly go fuck yourself, and take Durbin with you. The damage you are doing to this country with your rhetoric is incalculable and will not be known until you are in a place opposite of Mary Jo Kopechne.

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