Friday, June 17, 2005

Gitmo and Real Torture

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Holding a man in a cold or hot room is now considered torture by people who should know better. They will add to the list of things that constitute torture until everything is torture and nothing is torture.

The Jawa Report has some seriously disturbing photos of what actually constitutes torture and those of you who are truly intellectually honest can rightfully smack down Markos Zuniga.

Roger L. Simon and Jeff Goldstein also have some comments.

1 comment:

Dave Justus said...

This sort of thing always surprises me.

IF someone cares about torture, and has concerns about U.S. practices, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that saying what we are doing is like Saddam or like Nazi's or whatever will immediately derail the conversation from what we are doing, and if it is right or not, to whether Saddam et. al were or were not worse and whether the person making the accusation is Unpatriotic or Stupid or whatever.

It will not help, in any way, to change that practices at Guantanamo bay.

So why would people like Durbin and Ziniga engage in this sort of rhetoric? They are not stupid, they must know that it hurts rather than helps their cause.

My best guess is that it is more important to them to be getting the center of attention on this issue, rather than actually improving things. These comments do attract a lot of attention, it lets them be the 'star' of the show, speaking truth to power and all that. They don't actually care about torture, they care about being seen by everyone to care about torture.

If this theory is correct, their actions are even more despicable.