Liberals are interesting people. I can tolerate them because I know they really have nothing of significance to say when it comes down to it. Try it some time; ask a liberal to explain why they support abortion. How you defend killing a million children as a means of birth control would be an exercise in futility for just about any sensible person. That doesn't stop libs, though. They can rationalize it and almost seem as though they believe what they are saying.
Generally, when they are overwhelmed with facts contrary to thei position, they thrash out a say things such as "Bush is Hitler" or "Haliburton!". They think they've won the argument when they scream that one.
You see, just like the providers of their talking points; Kos and the NY Times, inconvenient facts are to be ignored or revised. Hell, in today's media, facts aren't even necessary as witnessed by the Newsweek kerfuffle.
I think that's why libs really, deep down in their wretched bones, hate Ann Coulter. I mean hate with a ferocity that conservatives couldn't raise within themselves for Bill Clinton. I won't link to this pleasant site, I'll link to Katinula and if you wish, you can click the link to those disgusting posts. Katinula should be ashamed of linking to it, but alas, libs have no shame. Hell, they have a former KKK member as their senior Senator.
She'll say that I've linked to worse or what have you. It doesn't matter really, the liberals are a dying breed who just haven't taken time to see the rot that exists within them.
Update: Katinula does that irritating thing that those on the left like to do; rationalize things prior to linking to them:
Warning, this is not for the faint of heart. Everything and anything that could be considered offensive is contained in the 'blog' (link removed--ed.). But...enjoy is (sic) you must (as I did).
Now K. can say that she didn't write it, she just linked to it. If you enjoyed that, us Neocons have already won way more than we've thought.
Update: Katinula responds and says she got under my skin. It appears the opposite is true as her response to me in the comments was nearly longer than my original post.
Also, Dave Justus responded in the comments with this:
It is always easy to find ideological opponents that we can easily feel superior too. It is more useful though to examine the best, rather than the worst of one's opponents.
I would and have. By far the most liberal (on everything except the war) is Christopher Hitchens. I've linked to him when I agreed and when I did not.
I try to discuss issues with liberals and they tend to have no substance to what they say. As if they're just mouthing the words. I am a libertarian on most social issues, centrist to moderately conservative on alot of others. The problem with what you say, Dave is that the Democrats and liberals are farther to the left than Republicans are to the right.
In fact, todays Republicans are your fathers Democrats.
Update 2: Patrick responds. It's good to see him writing about politics again.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
The Reason Liberalism is Dying
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8:47 PM
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I guess I'll not say all the generalizations you predicted I'd say, and just say what I actually think. I think it will come off more authentic that way.
First off, there are many sensible people who support abortion rights. We've had this arguement before and I have no desire to get into it again (futility), but suffice to say that the current First Lady is one of them.
Secondly, you stop generalizing about me and putting words in my mouth and I'll stop having to point out that everything you complain liberals do, conservatives do the same thing. When have I ever said 'Bush is Hitler'? Written or spoken?
Thirdly, I've written why I hate Ann Coulter, and it certainly isn't because she is chock full o' facts. I guess its things like saying she only regretted the Oklahoma city bombers missed the White House (Clinton) and the NYT building. Or my favorite, that Clinton is a rapist. But mostly, as I've said before, because she is a self-hating woman.
Thirdly, I absofu*&inglutely love a good dirty joke. Always have, always will. A little dirty joke, a satirical blog, late night comedians. Hell, I just love to laugh. I honestly thought it was funny. Not because of the dirtiness, though that was funny, but mostly because of the scenario of Ann Coulter being attracted only to people who disagreed with her. Damn, it is funny! Sorry, but your self-righteous post doesn't make me feel guilty, it just makes me see that you have short term memory loss. Talk to me when the 'blog' in question spends $6 million of tax payer money on hating Ann Coulter.
I'll post a longer response on my blog, where I often pen self-righteous posts about how sensible I am and how my 'wretched bones' really do have some morality, and that I do have inconvenient facts to support my views and how I don't care if I'm the last liberal on earth, I'm still right.
Oh and I'll just say this as a PS.
I always thought that our disagreements were respectful of each others opinions and that both of us were under the assumption that we were both reasonble people who pride ourselves on being informed, even if we did disagree.
But I guess I was just 'tolerated' and that I have 'nothing of significance to say when it comes down to it'.
I guess you're just a really good faker?
First off, my post was not "self righteous". You know me and you also know that I can tell a dirty joke with the best of them.
That said, I have a line that is never crossed. A line that is the difference between humor and something that is beyond.
Substitute the name Donna Brazile or Laurie David for Ann Coulter and tell me you'd still be amused.
As for the rapist accusation, even intelligent liberals know that what the Clinton machine did to Kathleen Willey, Juanita Brodderick and Paula Jones was flat out wrong. There was credible evidence of rape as laid out by Christopher Hitchens in his book No One Left To Lie To. Any woman who believes she was raped deserves to have her charges taken seriously. They don't deserve to be labeled 'trailer park trash" or worse.
Ann Coulter has said some outrageous things and for the most part has not retracted them. She even admits to saying them and says them again. On your side, the rhetoric is worse such as "screw em' by your hero Kos. The difference is that Kos deleted that post and didn't have the huevos to stick by his statement. Another example is the always disgusting Ted Rall.
This is not personal by a long shot and you know it. As a group, liberals are off the deep end. From Howard Dean to Eric Alterman, the civility of politics has been obliterated.
Even at the height of the impeachment hearings (while we were bombing Iraq I might add), you didn't see the leader of the Republican party calling the president a "loser".
As for the $6 mllion, I guess your referring to the aforementioned impeachment hearings. The reason Clinton was impeached was not because he got a hummer from an intern, it was because he lied to a grand jury and suborned perjury.
Offenses that would cause a near the left to go friggin nuts if it was the Cheney or Bush who had done it.
As for having nothing to say on the left, I'll give you an example, Democrats are screaming about Social Security and the Bush plan to stabilize it. They admitted this week that they have no plan of their own and are just out to stop Bush no matter what.
This is what your party has become. There's a reason that the Republicans continue to expand their lead, there's also a reason that the minority vote increasingly is shedding the Democratic party.
Leaving aside the juvenile toilet humor (which is certainly not confined to any one political viewpoint) I think you are mistaken about Liberals not having anything to say.
It is possible that you are semi-purposefully seeking out the worst examples as a way of confirming your opinions.
I suggest reading Ezra Klein or Honest Partisan on at least an occasional basis. I seldom agree with either of them, but the do have things to say, and they generally say them well and present good arguments.
It is always easy to find ideological opponents that we can easily feel superior too. It is more useful though to examine the best, rather than the worst of one's opponents.
I completely agree with Justus. That is why I read Andrew Sullivan, Environmental Republican and actually have been checking out Dave Justus.
My response to your post is here
And stop with the generalizations for crying out loud. I think I've linked to Kos twice. You've linked to Coulter at least that many times, is she your hero? I mean, its like you see a link and then you don't read the post or something. Linking about what the nuclear option actually does really isn't that left wing. And for the final time, I'm not a Democrat, I just happen to agree with them more than republicans.
And yes, I would have found it funny with any name in there, probably even mine.
And one last PS and then I'm done.
The 'civility of politics'? That died when Clinton became President and you KNOW it, you just don't want to admit it.
Check my latest entry in response.
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