Sunday, May 15, 2005

More On Bolton

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Mark Steyn:

When rent-a-quote senators claim to be pro-U.N. or multilateralist, the tsunami operation is what they have in mind -- that when something bad happens the United States should commit to working through the approved transnational bureaucracies and throw even more "resources" at them, even though nothing will happen (Sri Lanka), millions will be stolen (Oil for Food), children will get raped (U.N. peacekeeping operations) and hundreds of thousands will die (Sudan).

John Bolton's sin is to have spoken the truth about the international system rather than the myths to which photo-oppers like the Canadian prime minister defer. As a consequence, he's being treated like a container of Western aid being processed by Indonesian customs. Customs Inspector Joe Biden and Junior Clerk Voinovich spent two months trying to come up with reasons why Bolton's paperwork is inadequate and demanding to know why he hasn't filled out his RU1-2. An RU1-2 is the official international bureaucrat's form reassuring the global community that he'll continue to peddle all the polite fictions, no matter how self-evidently risible they are. John Bolton isn't one, too. That's why we need him.

Bolton is the lightning rod for the angry left. He's clean of corruption but mean to his subordinates. Democrats who were members of the KKK, allowed a woman to die in a river, or perform sex acts with a subordinate in the Oval Office are OK, just don't raise you voice to your underlings.

Bolton is needed because it won't be the same old, same old. He will represent US interests in that useless collection of thugs and hypocrites and that is what we need.

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