Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Celebrities Get Fisked Within One Day

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I love my brothers and sisters in the blogosphere. The Huffington Post started yesterday and we already have a take down of epic proportions.

Celebrities live in a a nice, tidy little flock like sheep. They have the MSM as their watchdog protecting that flock. It's a happy equilibrium where the celebs are irritated by the National Enquirer and assorted photographers who are looking to get paid for a picture of Brad Pitt sticking his tongue down Angelina Jolie's throat. Other than that, their greatest fear is a thumbs down by Roger Ebert.

Well, now some celebs have joined a train wreck arranged by Huffington and in doing so have strayed from the protection of the flock. Beware! There are wolves about and they are really hungry for some mutton.

1 comment:

Dave Justus said...

I simply can't bring myself to care either about what is written by these celebrities or what is written by those who feel the need to write about what these celebrities are writing about.

Yes, it is mostly stupid drivel. I didn't need to read it to know that.