Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Rabbi Brawls With Nazi

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Charles has this report:

The incident occurred about 5:40 p.m. in Terminal C when Fine encountered Boswell, who was wearing a red shirt with a swastika logo and a necklace with a swastika on it, according to airport police reports.

“I told him that he should be ashamed himself for wearing those symbols in public,” Fine said Monday from New York.

...Boswell had driven one of the convention speakers to the airport to catch a plane, said Jeff Schoep, commander of the National Socialist Movement, the group that sponsored the gathering.

The speaker whom Boswell took to the airport was Jacques Pluss, a former adjunct history professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. The university dismissed Pluss last month for missing too many days of class, but Pluss — a member of the National Socialist Movement — said he was let go because university officials thought he was too politically incorrect.

Emphasis mine. Another black mark on a university in my state. Most people on the left tend to forget that Nazi's were National Socialists.

1 comment:

Dave Justus said...

Nazis. I hate those guys!