Minipundit, probably the most misguided blogger I've read, defends Andrew Sullivan:
The only thing more disgusting about the papal election than the resulting pope himself is the vile, hateful, and frankly homophobic drivel that is spewing from the mouths of conservatives regarding Andrew Sullivan's response to Ratzinger's "election" (I refuse to equate the grossly undemocratic selection of the bigot with a democratic process). While there is plenty of it, Steven Bainbridge's is the most despicable. In his diplomatically titled "Andrew Sullivan is an Ass", Bainbridge writes,
Why is Sullivan so worked up? Here's his real gripe in his own words:
... the impermissibility of any sexual act that does not involve the depositing of semen in a fertile uterus ....It's always about sex with Andrew, isn't it?
Isn't it? And Martin Luther King, why was he so worked up about race? And what is with Susan B. Anthony and gender? Why can't they just give it a rest? While I certainly (sic) outraged beyond belief at Bainbridge and co., I have to say that I pity him even more than I despise him. You have to wonder about the self-worth of a guy who is willing to blindly accept the opinions of a single man and build his life around them.
This idiot is actually equating Andrew Sullivan with MLK and Susan B. Anthony. What about Ghandi and Mandela. Onward Andrew Sullivan! As for "accepting the opinions of a single man", I'm not quite sure which single man this moron is referring to; Jesus Christ or the Pope.
Outside of the Inquisition-like persecution of Sullivan, I can't believe that Ratzinger's perpetuation of the Stone Ages is being defended as a fight against "relativism".
If liberals had their way, the College of Cardinals would've chosen a guy who is against all the traditions of the Catholic church. BTW, with Sullivan it is always about sex. Andrew is gay, so what? I'm not, so what? Sullivans entire personnae is the fighter for gay rights and any person who says anything remotely against what he espouses is homophobic.
Here's another question, prior to this month, what did Minipundit know of Ratzinger? How can he call the man a bigot when all we've learned of the man is that he deserted the Nazi army and was a close confidante of Pope John Paul II. Another question would be this; the catholic church is not a nation-state, the Catholic church is a sect of the Christian religion that people choose to follow or not. If Sullivan is so disgusted with the selection of Pope Benedict XVI, he has the option of leaving the church and attending the more liberal Episcopal church.
But of course, Minipundit couldn't stop the drivel there:
Systematically raping and abusing thousands children and teenagers is not loving your neighbor. These are the actions of the Roman Catholic Church, and are bound to get worse under Ratzinger. And yet Bainbridge and his fellow lemmings are willing to rid themselves of their consciences and free thought and prostitute their opinions to a radical bigot.
They would do well to remember that one of Jesus Christ's greatest achievements was coaxing millions of believers to stand up to an immensely powerful, and horribly depraved, institution. In his time, that institution was the Roman Empire. In our time, it is the Roman Catholic Church.
I'm not even Catholic and am appalled by these two paragraphs. Systematically raping is something that Saddam and his vile offspring did, not something that was part of church doctrine.
This has to be the most hate-filled post I've linked to with the exception of the derelicts over at Markos' site.
I have to say that I pity him even more than I despise him. You have to wonder about the self-worth of a guy who is willing to hate a man he has never met and has no insight into whatsoever so much that he would spew forth the filth you've just read.
There was once a time that bashing the Christian religion and Catholicism in particular was done in hushed tones, that time is over. The leftists in this country have decided that they can't beat Bush & Co. so they are on their own personnel jihad to smear any organized religion that does not include Allah, Buddha, witches or worshipping a tree.
Update: Minipundit wants me to stop picking on him. I will as it's just too damn easy. His link remains in my sidebar so you can feel free to let him know what you think.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Defending Sullivan and Smearing Catholics
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