Saturday, March 12, 2005

Wahhabism vs.the Islamic Brotherhood

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Ali has a post on Wahabbism and their thought processes:

Unlike the Brotherhood that criticized most Caliphates and deemed them as corrupt tyrants that had no right in claiming authority since most Caliphates gained their positions by inheriting them and not through a consensus by Muslims, Wahabies respect all Caliphates and consider their authority as a sacred one given by God. So inside their own land, Wahabies never gave their Kings any problem until those kings started to attack them lately due to pressure from the US. In fact they were always a tool for the ruling family in Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia kings did not want a conflict with Israel, their best Ally's best ally and therefore this radical Muslim group never attacked Israel which is so strange given their supposed ideology is to fight the "infidels" and that they do see Jews as ones not to mention that they look at them as occupiers of holy Muslim lands.Hating or fighting the west or Israel was never the reason behind the rise of the Wahabism, as it was only concerned with purifying the Islamic belief in the area of worshiping and religious duties that has little to do with politics. Also one of the main principles in Wahabism is that it's illegitimate act to fight your Muslim ruler no matter how corrupt or unjust he was, and this is literally, exactly, what you would find in their books. And if you ask a Wahabi how does he thinks the world can be a better place with such negative attitude his answer would be, "the good people will inherit the earth" which is a verse from the Quran that they took to mean that all you have to do is to worship God and be a good person and God will take care of the rest!So the question is what turned this group to expand their activities and direct their violence everywhere and not just only towards She'ats or Sunnis?

Emphasis mine. That's interesting, "no matter how corrupt or unjust he was". That may explain the House of Saud hanging on for as long as they have. It's a lengthy post that is worth the time.

Also note the reference to the alliance of the US, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan against the Soviet Union.

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