Thursday, March 10, 2005

Now I Feel Safe

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Kofi Annan is off his meds again:

MADRID, Spain (AP) -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan called Thursday for a world treaty on terrorism that would outlaw attacks targeting civilians and establish a framework for a collective response to the global threat.
Although the United Nations and its agencies already have 12 treaties covering terrorism, a universal definition has been elusive.

..."The right to resist occupation ... cannot include the right to deliberately kill or maim civilians," Annan told the conference on democracy, terrorism and security. The United Nations, he said, must proclaim "loud and clear that terrorism can never be accepted or justified in any cause whatsoever."

I feel immensely safer now that Kofi is on the case. I have an idea for the honorable Mr. Annan; stop any terror supporting nation from speaking or being represented at the UN. Also, if a nation is known to support terror, they are banned from being on any committees that include human rights or security for a period of ten years after they have renounced and stamped out terror.

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