Sunday, February 06, 2005

UNscam Update

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The Oil for Food scandal is being largely ignored by the MSM and seems to be their collective policy. As with any story that shows a liberal institution in a bad light, if guilty or not, the media avoid putting on the front page or at the top of the broadcast. I doubt they can make this go away, regardless how hard they attempt to ignore it. Mark Steyn today:

If you're a UN bigshot, or the son of Kofi Annan, or the cousin of Boutros Boutros-Ghali, or any of the other well-connected guys on the Oil-for-Fraud payroll, $160,000 is pretty small beer. But, if you're a starving kid in Ramadi or Nasariyah, it would go quite a long way. Instead, the starving-kid money went a long way in the opposite direction, to the Swiss bank accounts of Saddam's apologists. "The Secretary-General is shocked by what the report has to say about Mr Sevan," declared Kofi Annan's chief of staff, Britain's own Mark Malloch Brown.
That's how bad things are at the UN: even the Brits sound like Claude Rains. Of course, the Secretary-General isn't "shocked" at all. And nor are the media, which is why the major news organisations can barely contain their boredom with the biggest financial scam of all time – bigger than Enron, Worldcom and all the rest rolled into one. If ever there were a dog-bites-man story, "UN Stinkingly Corrupt Shock!" is it.

That sums up the despicable Mssrs. Savan and Annan, they don't give a damn about the starving kid in Mosul or Basra, they care about the almighty money. They're probably equal opportunity when it comes to the type of lucre, they accept Euro's, Dollars, Dinars, pounds, and if they really need cash; shekels.

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