Friday, February 18, 2005

Friday Rant

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Lately I see alot of Lefty sites labeling themselves as "Reality Based". You know Libs, they must always label themselves as something, be it progressive, intellectual, pro-choice, blah, blah, blah...

The whole "reality based" thing is a friggin' joke. You want reality my little lefty buddies? Here's "reality based"; and I'll say it slow enough that Oliver (Kryptonite for Good Looking Chicks) Willis gets it:

Reality is:

  • 19 Muslim terrorists flew three planes into two buildings and a fourth into the ground as a way of attacking America;
  • It wasn't our fault;
  • It wasn't the fault of George W. Bush;
  • It wasn't the fault of Israel;
  • A sitting president of the US was too busy getting hummers from some skanky intern to do his job and arrest bin-Laden when he had the chance;
  • Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe and Saddam Hussein are bad men and should all be convicted of genocide for what they've done to their citizenry;
  • The Soviet Union and Communism didn't work and there's no good way of establishing and maintaining a Communist utopia;
  • Jimmy Carter was the worst president the country has ever survived;
  • We are still living with the after-effects of his failed presidency;
  • Bush does not equal Hitler;
  • Stalin was a more murderous dictator than Hitler;
  • Your senior member of the Senate was a proud marauder in the KKK;
  • Ted Kennedy allowed a woman to die and didn't have the balls to help her;
  • Supporting the troops does not mean mouthing a few good words about them, it means supporting their mission;
  • The majority of those troops actually believe in their mission;
  • You have been beaten in two straight presidential elections because the majority of the country doesn't like what you espouse;
  • The Dem majority leader of the Senate was voted out;
  • Kerry did not lose because he was a bad candidate (although he was), he lost because he mouthed the words your party stands for and the majority didn't care for it;
  • Howard Dean will not lead you anywhere but into a hole you won't climb out of for twenty years;
  • Religion is not the reason you are a minority party, basic morals and honesty are;
  • Minorities are not buying your bullshit anymore and are voting in greater numbers with the majority party;
  • Hillary Clinton is not the answer;
  • Neither is Barack Obama;
  • Neither is John Edwards;
  • Nor Howie Dean;
  • Nor...Hell, you get the point
  • Maureen Dowd has nothing of consequence to say;
  • Paul Krugman is deranged;
  • Screw 'em Kos backed fifteen candidates and they all lost;
  • Ted Rall is scary and anyone who believes anything he writes is dealing with serious issues;
  • The UN is a festering sewer of corruption led by a man who would sell out women and children if it enriched him or his family;
  • The only countries who contributed anything of significance to the initial tsunami relief effort did so because they have a strong military and used it to great advantage;
  • France was not one of those countries;
  • Nor was Germany,
  • The Iraqi and Afghani elections were legitimate elections;
  • The elections in Venezuela and Iraq under Saddam were not;
  • The Iraqi of this year and Vietnamese elections during the war are not comparable and the facts prove this;
  • The Kyoto Protocols are a sham and will only harm economies of western nations who supported its ratification;
  • Michael Moore is not a real smart guy;
  • He was smart enough to get you to spend good money on a film that has been proven to be a big lie; and
  • Bloggers on the right are much more significant that bloggers on the left as has been proven time and time again.

How's that for reality based? Liberals, or as they choose to label themselves hilariously, Progressives delude themselves into thinking again and again that people agree with them. Reality has clearly shown that most don't.

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