Saturday, February 12, 2005

An Askew Take on NoKo

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Some former squid has some thoughts on the North Korean admission to having nukes:

In the post-Cold War world where actual diplomacy and trivial stuff like that was working, in rode a posse of idjits who had seen one John Wayne movie too many.
Countries around the world that might have respected American economic power over military, might have once listened and maybe even been persuaded to be reached out to, and join the community of Nations. Now, if they can, they're arming themselves to the teeth; they at least learned the lessons of the Cold War. There's no deterrance, like deterrance based on Mutally Assured Destruction.
Haven't we seen this movie before?

Diplomacy? Like the diplomacy that Jimmy Carter crowed about with regard to the very same North Korea. You remember that, don't you? It was Carter's version of "don't ask, don't tell", except in Jimmy's case, it wasn't the trivial sellout of the gay community that Clinton's DADT was. Under Carter's plan we continued to send them money which was then used to buy and produce more weapons and possibly build more light-water reactor capacity.

Oh, and a note to the PhD Progeny at State: Honey, if the rulers of North Korea haven't given a shit about their starving masses to date, what makes your slightly disfunctional NeoCon brain believe that the North K's are gonna care tomorrow? These are not rational actors, and they don't actually give a crap about you, China, South Korea or anyone else. I think that you might have just heard Beloved Leader (NK) say "Bring it on!".

Doesn't the fact that they are not "rational actors" disprove everything you are saying? How will "diplomacy and trivial stuff" work when your dealing with a psychotic despot? As was proved when Secretary Albright and Jimmy Carter attempted to negotiate with the "Great Leader", the father of the mad little tyrant in charge today, these people will take and take and look for any reason to tear up an agreement.

It's easy to blame Condi Rice or W. for this mess, but at the very least be intellectually honest and put the blame where it squarely belongs; at the feet of Jimmy Carter and the Clinton State Department.

By the way, you've earned some nice commendations, I have many of the same ones, however I was raised to wear your medals when in dress uniform and keep them in the box when not. But then I have nothing to prove with my medals.

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