Bush/Rove produced a masterful move today with the appointment of Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush head charitable fundraising for tsunami relief efforts. While I strongly believe that the actually relief efforts including funding from individual governments and logistics issues should not be a part of the political game, the charitable portion is a bit political.
Clinton gets a high profile position and is tasked with doing something he's very good at: raising funds for a cause...whatever cause. Clinton had to accept the position or chance looking puerile.
The upside for Bush will manifest itself in the next six-months to one year. Bush will most likely have to appoint a Mid-east Envoy to broker the peace process in Israel. Clinton, more than anything, wanted that feather in his cap; peace in the mid-east and a straight shot at the Nobel Peace Prize. He would have had it too if not for that thug Arafat.
By Bush appointing Clinton today, when the time comes for an envoy to be named, Bush won't look petty when he appoints anyone but Clinton. Another facet of this appointment is the overt whack at the UN, which may well be Clinton's next employer. By assisting US efforts, he is indirectly supporting the coalition that Bush culled together and which the UN is chastened about.
Lastly, Jimmy Carter was left out. The chief Bush basher was snubbed on national TV and deserved it.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Rove is a Genius
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6:58 PM
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I'm not sure Clinton won't get the nod to negotiate the peace deal. Sure the republicans want that feather but I'm not so sure Clinton would be a bad choice.
He almost had them there at the end of his tenure and if Arafat had any real vision for his people things may be different today. Many think Abbas may be the man to finish what had been started particularily with Sharon showing real initiative in pulling out of gaza etc. So why not Clinton - Bush still would get credit for the deal as everything still goes through the Whitehouse. In addition he gets credit for bi-partisan partnership and his legacy looks much better overall. Finally, having Clinton work this deal out with high profile republicans placed by Bush (Frist, McCain) puts the party in a stronger position to kick Hillary's keister in '08. At which point Clinton may decline and Bush still looks good. Those are my thoughts and I'm most certainly wrong but nice post.
By the way, I can't see the added blogrole. Is it a problem on my end?
I've seen it on two different PC's. I believe it's working. Thanks for reading.
I figured out what the issue is with your blogroll. I use mozilla firefox to browse. However, when I checked your blog through explorer I was able to see everything perfectly and it looks good. Additionally its easier to post comments with explorer, rather than firefox, on blogs hosted by blogger.
Thought you might want to know.
Scott @ POV
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