Sunday, January 09, 2005

Hydrogen Fuel Cars

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This looks like a great breakthrough in hydrogen cell technology:

Hydrogen is still years away from reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil. No one has yet figured out how to generate large amounts of hydrogen without causing as much pollution as internal-combustion engines now create, or how to pay for a nationwide distribution network. And the vehicles are prohibitively expensive; if GM's Sequel were for sale, it would cost as much as a warehouse full of Corvettes.
Still, auto industry executives say their business is on the verge of a fundamental change.
"It's a frenzy" to get out front with new technology, said Mary Ann Wright, director of such efforts at Ford. "What you're seeing is a groundswell, not really of industry pushing as much as everybody demanding that we really get serious about these solutions. . . . The market's telling us something -- they're ready for this kind of stuff. The public is aware that we can't continue to consume oil like we do."

Hydrogen is definitely the way to go as opposed to electric vehicles. I hope this technology can be harnessed for a reasonable price and still have the power of a gasoline-powered vehicle. The drawbacks are many but that never stopped Americans before. In the meantime, Bush should come out publicly and support a more gas efficient engine that can easily be produced by Detroit and Tokyo.

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