Saturday, January 29, 2005

An Historic Event

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In a matter of hours, the Iraqi people will be able vote. Former Baathist's and extremist interlopers will do what they can to stop it or disrupt polling where they can, but I believe the will of the Iraqi people will compel them to vote.

Ali has some thoughts:

Now, and thanks to other humans, not from my area, religion and who don't even speak my language, I and all Iraqis have the real chance to make the change. Now I OWN my home and I can decide who's going to run things in it and how and I won't waste that chance. Tomorrow as I cast my vote, I'll regain my home. I'll regain my humanity and my dignity, as I stand and fulfill part of my responsibilities to this part of the large brotherhood of humanity. Tomorrow I'll say I'M IRAQI AND I'M PROUD, as being Iraqi this time bears a different meaning in my mind. It's being an active and good part of humanity. Tomorrow I and the Iraqis that are going to vote will rule, not the politicians we're going to vote for, as it's our decision and they'll work for us this time and if we don't like them we'll kick them out! Tomorrow my heart will race my hand to the box. Tomorrow I'll race even the sun to the voting centre, my Ka'aba and my Mecca. I'm so excited and so happy that I can't even feel the fear I though I would have at this time.I can't wait until tomorrow.

Read the whole post, it's very good.

I suspect the media will downplay the good and accentuate the bad, that is a given. But there is going to be alot of good and you may have to do some searching to find it. You can start here and LGF will have lots of good links.

I give my respect to the Iraqi's who want freedom and the ability to dictate their lifes course. I think the main reason that the turnout will be higher than expected will be because the Iraqi's do not want this to ever happen again.

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