Thursday, November 04, 2004

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The World Reacts

Tony Blair and Vladimir Putin welcomed the Bush victory and laud him as crucial in the War on Terror. The Muslim world was not as happy. Count the number of bullshit statements in this:

"President Bush himself may realise the approach he has been taking may not be all that successful, because there is general agreement that the US, their allies and their friends face a much graver threat than before the September 11 attacks," said terrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna.
"He realises that without the support of the Europeans, without the support of the Asian and Middle Eastern countries, especially the Muslim countries, he cannot persist."
Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, also urged Bush to give his "whole attention" to the Palestinians' plight.
There was widespread dismay among Arabs, that four more years under Bush could fuel wider chaos and bloodshed in the Middle East.
But the Palestinian leadership pledged to work with the new administration.
"President Arafat welcomed Bush's victory and voiced the hope that his new mandate and the confidence placed in him by the American people will give new momentum to the Middle East peace process," said Mohammed Rashid, an aide to Yasser Arafat (
news - web sites).

Israel is rather gleeful, however:

Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told public radio: "He has led the war against terrorism, especially Palestinian terrorism, and he has refused any contacts with Arafat (and I suspect that Arafat won't be making contact with anyone but Satan soon-ed).
"All this reflects the fact that he is the most friendly president towards Israel that we have ever had."

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