Friday, November 19, 2004

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UN Smacks Kofi Annan Upside Head: World Better For It

International criminal and Nobel laureate Kofi Annan is being censured by his UN buddies:

UN staff are expected to make an unprecedented vote of no confidence in Secretary-General Kofi Annan, union sources say, after a series of scandals tainted his term in charge of the world body.
The UN staff union, in what officials said was the first vote of its kind in the almost 60-year history of the United Nations, was set to approve a resolution withdrawing support for Annan and senior UN management.
Annan has been in the line of fire over a series of scandals including controversy about a UN aid program that investigators say allowed deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to embezzle billions of dollars.
Staffers said the trigger for the no-confidence measure was an announcement this week that Annan had pardoned the UN's top oversight official, who was facing allegations of favouritism and sexual harassment.

You must be a real degenerate to be rebuked by the UN. Hell, they were for keeping Saddam in power and his rape rooms open, they have taken absolutely no action beyond hand-wringing concerning Darfur and they are currently allowing Iran to put a full-blown nuke program in place.

On a similar note, fellow Nobelist Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbiginiew Brzezinski, says that the US is being "irrational" with regard to Iranian nuke plans:

Berlin, Nov 19, IRNA -- Former US national security advisor Zbiginiew Brzezinski criticized the American government's "irrational and paranoid" policy towards Iran's nuclear program, the website of the weekly stern (sic) magazine quoted him as saying.
Asked about his reaction on Washington's allegations that Iran was a nuclear military threat to the rest of the world, Brzezinski responded, "These are only irrational and paranoid slogans."

Uh, Zbiginiew, I seem to recall that youwere very wrong about the intentions of the the Iranians before.

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