Monday, October 11, 2004

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Columnist Implodes

It's interesting to see supposedly respectable columnists come completely unraveled when they sense that the electorate may actually make their own decisions and not listen to the "people in the know". Nick Kristof in the Times channels Osama:

I'm sorry, President Bush. Although I searched all over Pakistan and Afghanistan, I couldn't find Osama bin Laden - except in my dreams:
There I was, checking my e-mail at a Starbucks in Kandahar, when I spotted a slender 6-foot-5 figure in a burka, going this way and that, obviously lost. There was a dead giveaway - "she" wasn't asking for directions. Another clue was the dialysis machine trailing behind.
So I sat Osama down for an interview:
ME: Tell me, which candidate are you endorsing in the U.S. presidential election?
OSAMA: I try to be nonpartisan. But Al Qaeda will benefit if Bush is re-elected, inshallah.
...So I don't get it. Why is Bush good for Al Qaeda?
Recruitment, recruitment, recruitment. Look, the biggest challenge we face isn't getting chemical precursors. It's getting recruits - and Bush has become our v.p. for recruitment.
Ayman made a PowerPoint chart showing our intake. You see an uptick each time Bush embraces Ariel Sharon or talks about a "crusade" - and Iraq, that was a real gift. That new book by my nemesis at the C.I.A. got it just right.

My goodness, this guy gets paid to write in one of the most-read papers in the world and can only come up with this drivel? What's next, a talk with God saying to vote for Kerry? Sheesh.

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