Wednesday, September 01, 2004

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Ann Coulter has her pen seriously sharpened:

The New York Times has a new typewriter key for the Swift Boat veterans story that reads: "the unsubstantiated charges of the Swift Boat veterans."Unsubstantiated? It was Kerry -- not the Swift Boat veterans -- who told The Washington Post: "I wish they had a delete button on LexisNexis." The Swift Boat veterans haven't been forced to retract any of their story [Unfit for Command]. Meanwhile, John Kerry has been issuing about a retraction a day since the Swift Boat veterans started talking.Most recently, Kerry has had to back-pedal on the circumstances surrounding his first Purple Heart. Kerry has described the action on Dec. 2, 1968, for which he received a Purple Heart as his "first intense combat." The Swift Boat veterans say Kerry came under no enemy fire that day and that his injury, such as it was, resulted from the ricochet of a grenade fired by Kerry himself. (This rules out the Purple Heart but does qualify him for another "Boy, is my face red" citation, with clusters.)

And let's not forget that Kerry was caught telling a big, dirty, stinky lie about being in Cambodia on Christmas Eve, 1968. What kind of adult tells a lie like that? (Answer: The kind who carries a home-movie camera to war in order to re-enact combat scenes and tape fake interviews with himself.)One of the principal witnesses for Kerry's version of his heroics in Vietnam is Jim Rassman, who says Kerry "saved his life" after a Viet Cong mine knocked Rassman off his boat. Though Kerry would have us believe that -- in addition to being baby killers -- his fellow servicemen were planning on leaving Rassman to die, several eyewitnesses say another boat was about 20 yards behind Kerry's boat in getting to Rassman. (Kerry's boat was positioned slightly closer to Rassman because the moment the mine exploded, Kerry's boat fled the scene and returned only when Kerry was certain there was no enemy fire.)It is indisputable that other men were being pulled out of the water right and left after a Viet Cong mine blew one of the Swift Boats four feet in the air. How come none of those guys got Bronze Stars? Did they pull men out of the water in a less heroic way?

Note to self; don't ever piss off Ann.

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