Tuesday, August 31, 2004

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If We Did This In Airports We'd Be Safer

The DUmbies are racial profilers (response #85):

First of all I developed my own technique. I do not use a list or a script. I do not bother people at home or call them on the telephone. I do however target a heavily democratic and liberal base.I profile. I choose my subjects based on race, gender, age (youth), hip/arty/urbaneness and income. I approach African Americans, gays, hip secular youth and unmarried women.I interact, motivate and register. And I use humor to get my opening.I walk around downtown Cincinnati, Ohio on my lunch break. I walk up to people with voter registration forms in hand and say "excuse me, are you with us on Nov. 2 to send that man back to Texas." I get about 98% affirmative responses. I get lots of grins and chuckles. I get a few people who say it does not matter, a couple that have blown me off (skateboarders), only 2 have said they are voting for Bush. (I did give the last one a lot to think about when I told him the Army War College said going into Iraq was a mistake. I get lots of people who say they are definitely voting for Kerry.I believe people will remember our encounters because I have used humor, asked them for help (support our team) and because I am not boring them with survey questions. One middle-aged black man today said he wasn't going to vote because it would not make a difference. We argued back and forth and as I left him, I smiled and said, "But I bet you remember we had this conversation and come Nov. 2 you might just vote." He smiled and nodded.Think outside the box and get your groove on. You don't need no list. Just do it. It's fun.Rosebud

How the hell does she know who is "secular" and who is "single"? What about "hip/arty/urbaneness and income"/ Does she actually ask their income?

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