Saturday, June 12, 2004

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FOX continues to put the wood to CNN:

For nearly two years CNN has lagged Fox News in overall ratings — and the prime time hours of 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. are no exception. In the second quarter to date, Fox News is averaging almost 1.6 million viewers in prime time, compared with 857,000 for CNN, according to Nielsen Media Research.

MSNBC, meanwhile, lags both at 300,000.

CNN averaged 822,000 in prime time for May, its lowest ratings since last September.

Almost double the viewers. I have several ideas as to why this is; first, people whom are right-of-center tend to pay more attention to daily events and news. This is why talk radio is a bastion of conservatism. Second, conservatives can spot bias from a mile away and they know that the other all-news stations lean very much to the left. Lastly, right-wingers tend to amass as much info as possible when deciding on issues, they tend to think with their brains and not with their hearts. Is FOX "Fair & Balanced"? No they are not, however they are more balanced than CNN or MSNBC.

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