Monday, April 05, 2004

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More proof that the EU is a friggin' scam:

A senior member of the European parliament yesterday exposed what he claimed was widespread corruption at the Strasbourg assembly by revealing that nearly 200 of his fellow Euro MPs had faked attendance at parliamentary sessions in order to pick up generous daily allowances.

Hans-Peter Martin, an Austrian Social Democrat MEP, said he had seen scores of colleagues signing on for parliamentary sessions which they had missed, to claim a daily attendance allowance of €262 [$315 – Ed.].

"I have witnessed almost 200 MEPs hurrying to the central register to sign on for a session and then watched them drive to the nearest airport or station," Mr Martin told Germany's Bild Zeitung newspaper. "There are countless MEPs who go to Strasbourg and Brussels simply to pick up the €262. They have told me so themselves."

Whores for $315 a day. That will be $262 soon(scroll):

With the prospect of higher interest rates on the horizon on the heels of Friday's Employment report and a potential interest rate cut in Europe, the dollar has appreciated against the euro to its highest level since the beginning of December...

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