Wednesday, December 24, 2003

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I also found this at Deans blogsite:

This is my Christmas letter to President Bush....

Dear Mr. Bush,
With this being Christmas eve, and myself a Christian I have a problem with wishing you a Merry Christmas. I know this is of my personal failing, but I have thought about this long and hard.
You see Mr. Bush, to me you do NOT represent what a true Christian is....instead you represent the same kind of perverted, warped thinking that many tyrants in human history claim to have been "born again"- a phrase and term I will never fully comprehend. You issue orders to murder fellow human beings, yes fellow human beings all in the name of what and for what?

What makes us and in particular you better than anyone else on this planet? What gives you the right to say a people or country is better off with democracy as opposed to their own form of Government, for as bad as it may be?

Mr Bush I will not wish you a Merry Christmas as you have divided my country as you promised you would not. Today, neighbors that we were once friends with we no longer see...we do not go to their house anymore, they dont come here.....our political differances were always something we just laughed at before you came into office......

Mr. Bush you are NOT a Christian...if my parents and Grandparents were alive today...and trust me they were all a far better example of
humanitarians than you and your followers family survived WW2-bombing, starvation,rationing,death and destruction and they would easily pair you up with the likes of Adolph Hitler himself.

Mr Bush I close with me dedicating the next 11 months to ridding you by our political process from the White House.....I will go door to door,table,flyer,drive,stand in the sleet with a Dean sign,talk to people,host MeetUps,write letters..anything just so you do not regain the Presidency.

Mr Bush you should sometime read about the teachings of will soon find that you are nothing like please stop using HIS name in your speeches, please. And for those fellow countrymen of mine that are drunk with support for you all in Gods name I hope that they wake up and realize just what kind of human being you really are.......

Lastly please refrain from killing my fellow man all for my protection and my families protection.."I" will decide if my family and my person needs defending thank you very much. In the name of God I hope a distorted, twisted, idealogue like you NEVER holds political office again.......someday you will recieve your judgement in a higher court than on this planet....tonight, when you are asleep,comfy in your warm bed and full tummy, please dont be awakened by the thousands of innocent people you have murdered..the families,children, and other innocents. You are a despicable human being.

Posted by Mike in Raleigh, NC at December 24, 2003 01:48 PM

That's the type of person who is supporting Dean. Sounds closer to Indymedia than mainstream democratic discourse. That is the Democratic party today. By the way, get spellcheck Dude. Now the bloggers are trying to come up with a religion scam to help the candidate:

I hope that Dean and staff are working on countering the 'lack of religion' image:

I've seen a few columns reviewing the fact that everyone who has been elected president during the last two or three decades has talked the 'religion talk' (cynically or not).

I hope that Dean is preparing to emphasize his religiosity to the extent his personal history can support it. I know that he rarely attends church and that he (appropriately) believes that religion has no place in policy-making. This doesn't mean that he shouldn't make the most of what he's got:

---- Hypothetical Press Conference -----

Reporter: Governor, President Bush often speaks of the role of faith in his life and work. Are you religious man?

Dean: I've been a devout Christian, Congregationalist denomination, all my life [or 'for the past x years']. I pray every day, and though I look to my faith for guidance and comfort, I believe that we must govern impartially, respecting the rights of Americans of all faiths.

Reporter: You claim to be a religious man, but you don't attend church. How can you say that you're a devout Christian?

Dean: Christians have a direct, personal relationship with God. Our prayers don't require intermediaries. Now, for a lot of people, church is a wonderful place to focus their hearts and minds on God, and to enjoy fellowship and gain wisdom. I understand that. But church attendance isn't what makes a person a Christian. My relationship with God and my religious practices have been an intensely personal part of my life. My prayers and readings of the Bible have usually satisfied my spiritually needs. Does that answer your question?

Reporter: Governor, would you share with us a favorite verse from the Bible?

Dean: Sure. In [book chapter:verse], Jesus says: xxxx. That's a reminder to me of why I'm in politics. We have a moral duty to care for those less fortunate... [blah blah blah]

---- END Hypothetical Press Conference -----

Are you all following me? I'm as irreligious as a person can be, but I don't want Dean to lose votes just because middle America doesn't see him as a God-fearing man. Dean says he's a Congregationalist. Great. Don't hide it. America votes for religious men.

Dean staff: are you listening?

To the regulars here: Does anyone know where I should write to be sure that the staff receives my idea?

Posted by BW in Berkeley at December 24, 2003 01:51 PM

The Dean Blog, where bad ideas are furthered, and good ideas die.

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