Mugger is still among the most interesting writers week in and week out. As a Red Sox fan in NY he's probably taken (and while the ALCS was going, given) some serious grief. This is a great example how idiotic Yanks fans can be:
One missive, however, stood out for its sheer weirdness.
From Luis (cleaned up for clarity and grammatical errors): "One of my worst nightmares was reading your column next week if the Red Sox had won. But the fact that they lost and you’re a right-wing conservative makes gloating about the results so much more delightful. I’d have given anything to see your face last night when Aaron Boone blasted Wakefield’s pitch into the left field seats. I thought seeing your face when Hillary won her senate race would’ve been priceless, but I’m sure that was nothing compared to how you must’ve looked last night. I know it must kill you to have a Clinton-loving liberal like myself gloating during your time of deep depression. But I couldn’t help it. I get such joy out of conservatives like yourself getting a taste of your own medicine. Go Yankees!"
Well done, Louie. Actually, although disappointed, to a lifelong Sox fan nothing compares to the ’86 World Series. I felt worse for my sons, who were stunned waking up to find out the results, after going to sleep with the Sox leading.
Hatred’s a hard emotion to harness, Luis, but isn’t it a little strange to connect conservatism with the Red Sox? After all, the Yanks, as liberals like Pete Hamill and Jack Newfield never tire of pointing out, are known as the U.S. Steel of the major leagues. And the team’s owner, Gen. Dwight D. Steinbrenner, was convicted (and later pardoned) of an illegal contribution to Richard Nixon. Plus, he’s rich and spends willy-nilly on players–no complaint from me; it’s his team and money–which ought to rile a "Clinton-loving liberal" like your sorry self.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
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