Sunday, July 27, 2003

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Christopher Hitchens reports about what he saw in Iraq as opposed to what most people are reading:

Well, these [remaining Saddam loyalists] are the frightened gangsters who until recently were doing the torture chambers, and digging the mass graves and running the execution centers. These are people with nothing to lose, they are the absolute scum of the earth and they're paid from the stolen money from the central bank of Baghdad. You know, $8 million was dug up in the garden of one of the people who was brought in to identify the gruesome twosome, yesterday. Eight million bucks and a lot of jewelry and gold. They pay unemployed kids and imported holy warriors $1,000 in cash if they will just take a pot shot with a throwaway gun or roll a grenade from behind. It's much more like Mafia meets Jihad than any kind of a resistance.

Hitch is by far more trustworthy a source than a Reuters reporter. He has the uncanny ability to illiterate what is actually happening in a human way. (Via Instapundit)

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