Monday, June 02, 2003

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Yucca Mountain, the proposed repository for the nations radioactive waste, is going to be a hot topic for years to come. I tend to be on the side that stock piling our waste in one safe area is a better alternative that our current practices.

The waste that will be stored there is not just spent reactor rods from nuclear plants, it's also radioactive waste from hospitals, dentists offices, and myriad other places. I believe storing all this waste in one spot, where it can be protected, is in our best interest. Where would a terrorist have a tougher time infiltrating; a hospital or a protected facility? Dirty bombs will not kill many people with gamma waves, but the terror aspect would be brutal.

The main drawback I see with using one central depository is getting the waste to Nevada. Let's see if the media publishes the time and dates of train movements.

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