Friday, June 06, 2003

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Tim Blair led me to this:

Punters wishing to down a few quiet ales at one of J D Wetherspoon's 600 pubs in the UK may soon see a caution on the menu, warning them they could be thrown out if they swear, after complaints from two regulars.

The chain's founder, Tim Martin, has a track record of actually doing something about complaints. For example, vinegar sachets were changed after a complaint that they were impossible to open without squirting everywhere.

But bar staff in Sydney's CBD reckon a swearing ban is going too far.

"Swearing is part of the culture," said Wil, a barman at Hotel Sweeney in Clarence Street. "I mean if you're watching the footy and someone drops the ball you naturally want to yell out 'you f--kin' wanker'. It's a way of expressing yourself without having to break the glass!

"I mean guys might come in here and do their arse on the gallops and instead of punching the TAB window they might let a few words fly."

If anyone can translate that for me please e-mail me at

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