This is so inane that I debated whether I'd even link to it, but here goes:
“If we look at history, we find that in time, humanity's love of peace, justice and freedom always triumphs over cruelty and oppression….”
The 14th Dalai Lama
“The Truth shall set you free.”
Jesus Christ
The Bush assault is foundering on the shoals of Truth.
The Republicans have seized control of the American judicial, legislative and executive branches. Their immensely effective corporate mass media misinforms, misleads and manipulates. They control the world’s most powerful army, and are glad to use it without provocation.
Nice metaphor to start out. I'll start with this; how did the Republicans seize control of the all the branches of government? I believe that two of those branches are put into office by voters, and the other (link in PDF) by the President and only with congressional approval. And the corporate media, which misleads and manipulates. The only thing I've seen remotely like this is the Jayson Blair fiasco. Jayson didn't just mislead, he flat out made things up. In this mans small mind, does he think the NY Times is furthering the Bush agenda?
Having stolen the election of 2000, Bush’s minions are rigging America’s voting machines and erasing countless suspected Democrats from voter rolls nationwide.
Their goal is to shock and awe the opposition into extinction.
If “image is everything,” Bush sits atop a dictatorial fortress, not likely to fall soon.
But history teaches that, ultimately, Truth is more powerful than image: All the people can’t be fooled all the time.
I won't even go into the 2000 election, the Libs will never get over losing that one. I will say that a candidate who loses his home state, sure as hell doesn't have the right to bitch when he loses the election. What else do we have? Ah, the Bush is dictator rhetoric. Stalin was a dictator, Saddam was a dictator, and Pol Pot was a dictator, Bush is no dictator. And of course the Bush is a liar spiel. Truth is more powerful than image, Clinton lied and all the Libs were fooled.
Globally, George W. Bush has become history’s most hated US president. After being gifted near-total support by Osama bin Laden, Bush has sunk to unprecedented scorn. In the global village, American’s unelected chief is under quarantine.
Why? Because outside the United States, the Truth is being told. The world media and the internet seethe with serious reporting and outrage against escalating deceit.
In the US, the corporate media has polluted the information flow. So we are compelled, more than ever, to compile and refute the lies, and to spread their antidote far and wide.
The world hates Bush. Hmm...I can think of two former leaders who probably do. I can also think of some European leaders who may hate him. I don't think Mr. Bush took the job so he could impress the rest of the world. Let me explain a basic rule of leadership, Harvey. Making tough decisions is what makes a true leader. Taking opinion polls and making decisions based on focus groups is not leadership. As to the charge that the American "corporate media" is not giving the whole story, most people in America who give a damn about the world are not just reading the USA Today, they are reading The Guardian, The Australian, and Xinhua. I would have added the BBC, but they about as believable as the NY Times.
Our arsenal of Truth includes:
SADDAM’S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: Obviously, if he had them, he would have used them. It took years for the lies about the Vietnamese non-attack at Tonkin Gulf to unravel; it’s taken mere days to establish that Bush blatantly lied in no less a venue than the State of the Union. Who will believe him next time?
This is the typical Liberal move, accuse but give nothing to back you up. The Times ran a few stories saying Bush lied so it must be true. I seem to remember a few stories concerning a massacre in Jenin that never happened and the looting of a museum in Baghdad where 170,000, 33 items were taken. If the world didn't believe that that Saddam had WMD, why did they pass 1441?
SADDAM’S NUKES: He had none, and Colin Powell lied to the United Nations and the world based on undergraduate forgeries. Who will believe him next time?
I guess the correct thing to do would've been to wait for the mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv and Kuwait City. Again, accusations without a shred of proof.
THE REAL REASONS FOR WAR: Bush used terrorism, WMDs and (incredibly) human rights as pretexts for war in Iraq and Afghanistan; but everything since has confirmed what the world knew all along: it’s about oil and the pipelines to carry it, with some Christian fanaticism thrown in;
Whether or not it was for oil, I do believe that the people who survived the most brutal regime of the last twenty years feel they are in a much better situation now then they were in February. What so far has happened with regards to oil, prove your hypothesis, Harv? And the necessary, Bush and Christians are as bad as Fundamentalist Muslims line. Couldn't let that pass, could you Harvey?
SPINNING PRIVATE LYNCH: This contrived mocku-drama, complete with threats from the Pentagon against reporters (such as Robert Scheer of the Los Angeles Times) who document what really happened, was in fact a tale of Iraqi bravery and compassion.
This has yet to be disproved. I have seen no evidence, including Scheer's article to sway me to the Scheer point of view. How does Scheer know what happened, and why is he to be believed more than any other reporters. I don't know if you've paid attention Harv, but reporters are exactly the most trusted profession anymore.
AN AWOL WAR RECORD: Bush deserted his cushy National Guard unit, then joked that raising twins was harder than being in combat, which he never saw;
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?: Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq has been liberated or conquered; the “dancing in the streets” promised by the wars’ perpetrators has become a desert Vietnam, where locals and Americans continue to die;
While it's true that Bush never saw combat, he did serve in the Guard. Clinton on the other hand wrote a letter detailing how he detested the military and what they stood for. While I think McCain was the better choice when it came to Commander in Chief credentials, Clinton would run a far second behind Bush when it came to the job. By the way, isn't Bush the first "MBA President"? I would hesitate to say that Iraq is another Vietnam. The war has been over for two months. And Harvey, who was it that assassinated Diem and put our troops into Vietnam?
SEPTEMBER 11: The terrorist attacks occurred while George W. Bush was officially responsible for protecting the American people; his bitter fight against a full Congressional investigation belies something very serious to hide.
FLAUNTING TRAGEDY: To the horror of many 9/11 victims’ families, Bush has manipulated the terrorist attacks into what he called a personal political “trifecta,” desecrating the sacrifice of 3,000 innocent civilians;
While it's true that the Sept. 11 attacks did occur during W's watch, the planning for that attack was years in the making. It could've been stopped before it happened if Clinton had taken the Sudanese offers of turning bin-Laden over. By that thinking, no Democrat in office that replaced a Republican can complain about deficits or the like that were handed to them on inauguration day. I have not seen one story or interview in which a 9/11 victims family has demonstrated horror because of what Bush has done, let alone many. Again, accusations with no proof. It's a trend with this clown.
OFFICIAL SECRECY: Bush is the most secretive US president ever; his relentless campaign against open government belies much to hide;
HOME OF THE FREE: While claiming to spread “American freedom,” Bush keeps two million citizens in jail, a quarter of all the world’s prisoners, forty percent of them held on victimless drug charges;
The Clinton administration was nearly brought down by leaks. Bush is leading a country which was attacked by Islamic Radicals whom had the intent of killing as many civilians as possible. Secrecy is paramount when it comes to some situations. I have yet to read the full accounting of the Ruby Ridge murder or the various other Janet Reno disasters.
I agree that the war on drugs is an utter failure. I believed it when Reagan initiated it. But, Clinton chose to keep it in place, and now it's another third rail in politics. As for all drug conviction being victimless, ask the families of teenagers who died using drugs or the parents of kids killed in drug murders if they are victimless. Possession is one thing, trafficking is quite another.
A POPULAR PRESIDENT?: Bush lost the 2000 election by 500,000 votes and his approval ratings regularly sag between crises, but the corporate media grovels over his alleged “popularity” while refusing to pursue anything that would seriously damage him;
AN AFFABLE PRESIDENT: Bush’s good-ol-boy veneer hides the meanness of spirit and coarse ruthlessness essential to a corporate-fundamentalist attack on civil society;
TEFLON PRESIDENT?: Like Ronald Reagan (and unlike Bill Clinton) the media refusal to pursue damaging (and felonious) presidential misdeeds guarantees Bush a free ride. Or does it?
Bush has managed to hold high approval ratings for 18 months, longer than any President in history. That seem to irk the Libs despite all the tactics they've tried. The true measure of his popularity is the ass-kicking handed to the Dems in the mid-term elections. Not many sitting Presidents can claim picking up the Senate and holding the house. Blah, Blah, Blah. It goes on like this for some time, but it ends with this extreme left conspiracy theory:
Bush’s litany of lies grows daily. In the short term, they demoralize the opposition.
The mainstream media does its part by dismissing those abundant, articulate critics who don’t, like Paul Wellstone, conveniently wind up dead.
Two words Dude, Vince Foster. I'm not one to believe everything bad about Clinton but turnabout is fair play. And to end it on a pleasant note, Harvey compares the Bush administration to Nazis:
It took a world war and forty million deaths to rid the world of the Nazi plague. Thus far Bush has killed thousands to conquer Afghanistan and Iraq, and shows no compunction about killing more.
Nice ending. Started like an idiot, ended like an asshole.
Thursday, June 19, 2003
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