Monday, June 09, 2003

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Darrell Issa is taking on Davis:

Rep. Darrell Issa's bankrolling of the recall drive against Gov. Gray Davis is emerging as one of the first test cases of the sweeping new federal campaign finance law.

A Davis ally has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission charging that the Vista Republican is raising money for the recall campaign in violation of the law known as McCain-Feingold.

Raquelle De La Rocha, a Van Nuys lawyer and Davis appointee to the state Park and Recreation Commission, contends that Issa has broken the provision of the law that bars federal officeholders from raising "soft money" campaign contributions.

Issa called the complaint "absurd" and said he has complied with the law. However, he said there are conflicting opinions over whether the law allows his campaign activities.

Damn, I knew that McCain-Feingold law would hurt somewhere.


There is an easy way to tell when the heavyweight political season begins in California: Jerry Perenchio writes another check.

After donating $5 million to Democrats and Republicans during the last election year, the president of the Spanish-language Univision network now has given $50,000 to a committee supporting Gov. Gray Davis in his fight against a proposed recall. A handful of other wealthy Californians have joined him as well, raising $344,000 for the Davis anti-recall committee.

I wonder if that's against McCain-Feingold.

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