Monday, June 02, 2003

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The Bush plan for AIDS assistance in Africa is a huge success. I've yet to hear anyone criticize the plan. $15 billion dollars is an astronomical amount for any nation to offer, but for Bush to get it pushed through both houses is amazing. Even Chirac agrees:

French President Jacques Chirac, Europe's most vocal critic of the war — whom Mr. Bush greeted yesterday with a handshake and a smile — praised the president's leadership on AIDS. Mr. Bush last month pushed through Congress a $15 billion increase to combat AIDS in poor nations and urged other wealthy nations to follow suit.
"Bush took a decision in this area that I would not hesitate to call historic," Mr. Chirac told reporters at an afternoon news conference summing up the first day's discussions.
Mr. Chirac said his government would triple the French cash contribution for anti-AIDS efforts to $180 million, up from about $60 million currently. European Union officials said the 15 member nations would commit about $1.2 billion in new money to fight AIDS.

13 times more than the EU. They should be ashamed. By the way, doesn't Chirac look constipated anytime he has to shake Bush's hand.

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