Friday, March 21, 2003

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The reason most people give for owning SUV's is the safety afforded by them. Hollywood and the Left constantly berates SUV drivers because they guzzle gas. What does an armor-plated limo get per gallon?

We have been flooded by requests for armoured limousines to take some very famous people to the Oscars," said Rich Cooley, vice president of global operations for SecureCar Worldwide which specialises in celebrity transport.

Cooley, a former Hollywood bodyguard, offers Mercedes and BMW limousines with 450 kilograms (1,000 pounds) of extra armour plating and bullet proof glass to ward off a close-range machine-gun assault or a grenade blast.

The normal public is not allowed to be safe, but celebs can be safe and guzzle gas and jet fuel:

Oscar will don his tightest security cloak ever this year to thwart potential terror strikes, with war prompting worried stars to opt for armoured limousines and private jets on Hollywood's biggest night.

I hope they private-plane pool.

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