Sunday, March 09, 2003

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I've had enough and I can't stands no more! Every day I read letters to the editor and get worked up by either the naivete, the lack of acknowledgement of Saddam as a threat, or the ignorance of the writers. Example:

A brief response to Nicholas O'Dell's letter of Mar. 5 ("Bush follows principles, not voice of the mob").

O'Dell says President Bush doesn't rely on opinion polls like Bill Clinton.

I submit that having a President who considers the will of the people (by tracking polls or otherwise) and recognizes he works for me, not the other way around, is what this country and that office are about.

A President who breaks treaties and goes his own way, even before Sept. 11, and ignores his people until he has to comfort them after a tragedy is not what this country is about.

Charlie Silvestri

Well Charlie, a million or two million or ten million protesters is less than 1% of the total population. That means greater than 99% of Americans chose not to protest. I don't believe that all those people who didn't show up are pro-war, but I believe, as opinion polls have shown, that 60% of Americans are backing the President for action in Iraq. As for breaking treaties pre-9/11, I suppose you mean the most flawed treaty to ever be conceived. The Kyoto Protocol Treaty. This treaty is about as worthless as any treaty we sign with North Korea. It was aimed squarely at the US economy and business. President Clinton floated it in the Senate and it was unanimously (99-0) rejected. Kyoto compliance would have stunted the US economy like nothing seen before. Even Clinton didn't have the juevos to push hard for it (bad choicem of words).


I would like to take the opportunity to register my opinion on the impending war with Iraq, as a registered voter, municipal employee, tax-paying homeowner and concerned citizen.

President Bush, and his advisers, are acting like playground bullies. Just like the children we feared on the playground long ago, they are attempting to impose their will upon everyone else. In this case, "everyone else" includes the good people of the United States and much of the rest of the world. They are flagrantly ignoring established lines of communication as well as good sense and, like the bullies, should be sent to their rooms for a "time out." I oppose any decision to commence military action in Iraq. Let the United Nations work through this problem.

The old and stale Bush is a bully debate. See Bush is not the bully, the US is like the big kid in the movie My Bodyguard. You may remember it. A scrawny kid keeps getting picked on. He hires the biggest kid in school to protect him, etc. We are the big kid, France is the little scrawny kid. They want our protection when a big bully like say, Germany (thrice) picks on them. We come in and protect them and then go home. I see you are a municipal employee, Andrea. living off the bloated government dole in Philly that's been driving people out of the city for a generation. As for being sent to our room for a time out, we went somewhere worse, the UN. I for one would take ten timeouts before dealing once with that irrelevant organization

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