Sunday, March 23, 2003

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Hollywood and the that fat dirtbag Michael (give me) Moore are at it still.

Most outspoken was documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, the man behind the popular anti-gun expose "Bowling for Columbine," whose title refers to the Colorado high school where two students massacred 13 people in 1999.

"The lesson for the children of Columbine this week is that violence is an accepted means by which to solve a conflict," Moore told the 1,000 attendees gathered under a marquee on Santa Monica Beach as he accepted the Spirit Award for best documentary. "That's the lesson for the kids."

Wearing a badge that said, "Shoot movies, not Iraqis," Moore called Bush a "fictitious president" who was waging "terrorism."

He later told reporters he had spoken to a number of Oscar nominees who said they planned to acknowledge the war in acceptance speeches if they won in their categories. Moore's film is nominated for a best documentary Oscar, but he said he doubted he would win again on Sunday.

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