Friday, January 23, 2009

Global Warming Places Last on Priorities List

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I mentioned yesterday that more people now think global warming is naturally occurring and not man-made as has been pushed by the global warming lobby. I also mentioned that Al Gore was "losing hearts and minds" when it came to the global warming issue. It seems I was a little too reserved in my assessment:

That's amazing to say the least. The global warming swindle perpetrated by those who were looking to cash in has been a monumetal bust. One can easily see why the economy and jobs would rank at the very top but I find it interesting that terrorism is third considering we have not been hit and the media downplayed it significantly during the election.

Only 3 out of every 10 people now rank global warming as a priority and that's simply because people are getting the facts and seeing through the cheap facade constructed by those who subscribe to the theory.

Think about what a catastrophic result this is for Al Gorites; immigration, lobbyists and "moral decline" all placed well ahead of global warming. I'm guessing that global warminests overplayed their hands by predicting rising oceans, melting ice, balmy temperatures in places like Minnesota and all around calamity. In other words, they played the scare card and it backfired dramatically. All it takes is for people to step outside and feel the sub-zero temps or slip on the ice to know it's a bunch of bullshit.

Exit question: Would this be vindication for those of who signed The List?


Anonymous said...

I was interested to find the Environmental Republican blog. 20 years ago I had a book published on different economic concepts to point the way to a sustainable world economy. Someone who liked the book contacted me this year to suggest that I update and re-publish it as a blog. She set up the blog, and the book is now complete on the blog in a series of postings. There are now also additional pieces on global warming and other subjects. Here is the link:

With all good wishes,
Charles Pierce

Global Warming Essay said...

well post, i was looking the same information to write essay on global warming.

Global Warming said...

Thanks, That's histerical. If we don't put our efforts on stopping this man-made disaster who is making his way rapidly into our lives, We might as well just stop working, being friendly and care about each other just as much.