Friday, December 21, 2007

On A Mission to Sink Huckabee

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Anyone who has read me even occasionally over the last five years knows that I'm a contrarian and also a pretty pragmatic sort. When it comes to the GOP, I'm just as willing to smack my Republican brethren as I am the misguided Dems. The time has come to hit a certain Republican who could be the downfall of the party in the near term. Think Dole in '96 or the Dem selection of Kerry in 2004.

That man is Mike Huckabee and he has proven to be a complete disaster. Once he took the lead in some races, the truth about the Baptist minister came out. He's a populist, one who has been lax on immigration and crime. His views on the war are ambiguous and his will to bring the battle to al-Qaeda is unknown. In other words, he's more centrist and liberal than Rudy.

I'm not a big supporter of overtly religious leaders, religion is something between you and your God and it doesn't belong in politics. Huckabee has essentially made it the central portion of his platform and that's unacceptable. Remember, the last outright religious man we elected was Jimmy Carter and that took eight-years of Reagan to repair. And no, Bush had religious support but has not been overtly religious.

Huckabee would get pummeled in the general by either Obama or Hillary and it's now high time to expose and dispose of Huck.

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