Monday, March 07, 2005

What's the True Story About the Giuliana Sgrena Affair

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The english translation of the Corriere Della Sera breaks down the Italian media response to the events that occurred upon Ms. Sgrena's release:

To continue, what might be the “information” in Ms Sgrena’s possession that, according to her life partner Pier Scolari, could justify an assassination by the Americans determined not to see it published? Finally, are we really to believe that the Italians’ car was hit by “400 bullets, a storm of projectiles” (Mr Scolari)? Are we really to believe Giuliana Sgrena when she says that she personally picked “handfuls of bullets” off the seat, but that, in this premeditated rain of fire from an armored vehicle against an automobile with no armor plating, only one passenger actually died?

As is always the case, the truth lies somewhere in between. Ms. Sgrena writes for a paper that is rabidly anti-American and definitely has an axe to grind.

Read the story and decide what you think.

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