Tuesday, April 29, 2003

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Niel Cavuto smacks the idiotarians:

I see a people smiling now. I'll never forget the people who made them smile.

We should all die making such a difference. All you protesters, should live, making such a difference.

I want you now to look at the faces of sacrifice and honor and courage. And of people who spent their time, not burning the flag, but fighting and dying for it.

So the next time you refuse to bury the hatchet and insist you weren't wrong, think of those who are burying their loved ones and need to know their cause was right.

They made a difference. You just make me sick

That's a nice roundhouse upside the dome. These people have been waiting for a Republican to start a war since the first Bush. Do you think they're going to go away so easily? I think they will hold on to this for as long as they can until the entire country reminds them that they irrelevant.

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