Monday, April 28, 2003

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I don't even no where to begin with this piece of shit, LGF (again) goes into the sewer to pull out the things that make you want to take a shower:

9/11 was a hoax. This is no longer a wild conspiracy assertion; it is a fact, supported by thousands of other verifiable facts, foremost of which are:
- The attacks of 9/11 COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED without the willful failure of the American defense system. In Washington, Air Force pilots demanded to fly but were ordered to stand down.
Yet instead of prosecuting the president and military leaders for this unprecedented dereliction of duty, military leaders were promoted and the president was praised for presiding over a defense system that suspiciously failed the most crucial test in its history.

I don't have the energy (tonight) to respond to this. What bullshit these scumbags come up with.

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