Sunday, August 17, 2003

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Another mass-murdering tyrant goes to Hell:

Amin's murder methods were among the most sadistic recorded in history. In 1973, an anti-Amin guerrilla organization, Front for National Salvation, gave this description of what was happening in the country:

"People have been choked with their genitals, their heads bashed in with sledgehammers and gun butts, hacked to pieces with pangas, disembowelled, blown up with explosives, suffocated, burned alive in cars and houses after being tied up, drowned, dragged along roads tied to vehicles, starved to death, whipped to death, gradually dismembered."

The luckier ones were shot and then burned, buried or fed to crocodiles.

Of course he was afforded the opportunity to live out his life in peace thanks to the Saudis. I still love what the Israelis did to him at Entebbe.

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